Sustainable Management

This area concerns ensuring sustainable management of violent extremist prisoners (VEPs), the marginalised/the vulnerable prisoners at risk from radicalisation and application of VEP specific tools/instruments and rehabilitation methodologies towards their preparation for release. It will focus on enhancing the practical application of the VEP tools/instruments and programmes by skilled practitioners throughout the region. It will continue to facilitate the experience sharing in the application of these tools and rehabilitation methodologies, enhance culture on information exchange and lessons learned, and enable further optimisation to ensure their utilisation in a sustainable manner. Namely, it will bring for further standardisation and optimisation of VEP-specific tools/programme in the region, general and specialised training activities for security and non-security staff on VE and radicalisation, effective screening of signs of radicalisation, proper application of VEP-specific tools/programme and upgrading of specific skills (e.g., motivational interviewing), which are pivotal for successful appliance of the instruments/programme in practice.