Post-Penal Support

This area concerns enhancing the post-penal support towards VEPs full reintegration and safe return to their communities, with inclusion of all relevant stakeholders in the process (families, mentors, local community and agencies, etc.). This priority area will build on the findings, conclusions and recommendations stemming from the discussion between the six Beneficiaries under the regional thematic working group meetings held on the topic of Preparation for Release, Post–penal assistance and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Prisoners in the Western Balkans Region. Furthermore, the conclusions and recommendations from more than 30 local fora held across the Western Balkans (on co-ordinating multiagency approach to support VEPs after release and the engagement of local agencies and communities in support to reintegration of VEPs into the society), will be taken as a basis for the continued building of the structure set-up under HFIII. The action will widen its scope by including other groups of marginalised and vulnerable prisoners, susceptible to radicalisation, addressing their needs and ensuring holistic systemic approach by involving different agencies and sectors from the central to local level (responsible for social, education, health, employment policies and their implementation), families, mentors, CSOs, religious communities, professional associations, business communities, etc