Assessing inter-institutional cooperation and exchange of information during pre-release and post-penal processes for violent extremist prisoners in North Macedonia

For effective rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist prisoners (VEPs) and other prisoners vulnerable to radicalisation the cooperation and exchange of information between local institutions are crucial. Only in this way a proper support that covers all aspects of one’s life can be provided during the preparation for release, and shall enable the local institutions to lay ground for the post-release support based on VEPs’ specific needs. Such a holistic approach leads to a sustainable reintegration of former prisoners and thus to safer and more inclusive societies. This was one of the topics discussed during the Workshop on exchange of good practices, experiences and challenges in implementation of the “Standardised Operating Procedures (SOPs) on pre-release and post penal assistance procedures for radicalised inmates” in North Macedonia, held on 27 November 2024 in Skopje. The representatives of the General Directorate on Execution of Sanctions, the National coordinator for prevention and countering terrorism, prisons, law enforcement, local social welfare centres, employment and educational services were provided with a forum to discuss the application of above-mentioned SOPs in practice and any challenges arising from it, such as the timeline for informing the concerned institutions about the release of a VEP, providing a map of their needs to social welfare centres when released, involvement of the institutions upon release etc. Moreover, the participants raised their awareness of good practice in some local communities in relation to cooperation and exchange of information and to sharing sensitive information specifically as regards the health needs. The participants agreed that the application of SOPs in practice works very well, which is confirmed by the strengthened inter-institutional cooperation and an effective exchange of information, which was not the case in the past. However, prisons are still facing some challenges in relation to obtaining information at different stages, therefore this will be tackled at the regulative level. Moreover, the National P/CT coordinator proposed to develop guidelines which would cover the roles of all institutions in relation to the prevention of extremism, providing support to VEPs and other returnees from the conflict zones, and which would be another step towards the whole-of-society-approach. The Workshop was held under the auspices of the Regional Action “Enhancing co-operation in the Western Balkans in managing violent extremism in prisons and preventing further radicalisation after release”, and the Horizontal Facility Programme III.